Why Choose GYB?
There are a lot of options to pick from when looking for a firearm instructor or a school that teaches permit to carry classes. So how do you decide where to go? Price? Training background - if they are former miliary or police? Referral? All very good questions. A good saying to remember is "You get what you pay for." However with that said, paying a higher price doesn't always mean that you will get better quality. Another thing you need to watch out for is to read the fine print. You may think you are getting a cheap or "in-expensive" price up front, but when you include all the items that are not included you actually end up paying more than you intended and walk away with less than average class instruction and wishing you went somewhere else.
We get a lot of our students by referral. This in our opinion is the best advertising we can get. If our students walk away from class and tell there friends they recommend us over any one else we have sucessfully done our job. We teach practical permit to carry in a very relatable way to cilvilian's by civilian's. We have had lots of couples take the class together where previously the spouse was reluctant to take it, but beacuse we are a couple that teaches the class she felt comfortable in the classroom and we have had a positive response back from our students.
If you have any question on our classes or requirements for our Permit to carry classes, please give us a call or send us an email. One question we do get is what is the requirement about pistol knowledge, and shooting, "I've shot once or twice is that good enough?" I always lile people to think about it this way, we want to make sure you are well equiped with the knowledge and skills to safely and efficently use your firearm in a self defense situation. We are giving you the certificate in order to get your permit to carry and we want to make sure we are confident you can use that tool you are carrying as we are out in public as well with you and that tool you are carrying.