Class Descriptions
Basic Pistol (Classroom and Range)
This class is based on the NRA First Steps Class. It is designed for the first time shooter and goes over the safe handling and the very basic fundamentals of the pistol. If you don't own a firearm, great because this class gives you a chance to try a few out for size first. If you just purchased one and need help using it, this would be the class for you as well.
Class fee includes use of firearms (if needed) range fee and target.
Group and Private available
Introduction to Firearms; Part 1 (3 hours)
Do you shy away when you hear the word “gun”? Are firearms an unfamiliar territory for you? If so, then this is the perfect class to dive into. Whether it is because you are simply all together unfamiliar with firearms and just don’t feel comfortable around them and have never been taught the correct way or any way to handle them, or if it is because you have mixed emotions about guns because of the media portrayal, by participating in this hands on course you will learn the following:
Types of firearms, their parts and operations
Basic definitions
Safe Firearm handling
Introduction to Firearms; Part 2 - Shooting (2 hours)
Continuing on from part 1 and you will learn the basics of pistol shooting. This will be all range time beginning with a .22 LR and ending with a 9mm semi-automatic. In this course you will learn:
Basic shooting fundamentals of the semi-automatic and revolver
Loading and Unloading
Range Safety
Cleaning and Storage
Types of firearms, their parts and operations
Basic definitions
Safe Firearm handling
Everyday Carry – Women’s Essentials (3 hours – Classroom)
This is a follow up class for women who have already taken their permit to carry and are looking for the next step.
Let’s face it, being a women and concealing a firearm is just not as easy as it is for a man! There has to be a little more planning involved, especially if you are a business women and need to dress professional every day, throwing on a IWB holster just doesn’t work. In this class we will go through the different types of holster options that are available for women that work with our different lifestyles. It is hard for some women to take that step, making their firearm one of their everyday accessories. In this class, we will help you make that transition so you never leave your house without it.
MN/WI/FL Permit to Carry Class (6 Hours)
This class covers the requirements in order to apply for your MN Permit to Carry a firearm. We require that you either have some pistol knowledge or have completed a previous basic pistol class prior to taking this class. There is so much information to cover that pertains to carrying a firearm on your person that this class is not designed to teach you to shoot. You will receive a discount or credit towards the Permit to Carry class if you take our basic pistol class prior (non-NRA) or if you need to do a shooting proficiency to verify your pistol knowledge, that cost will be applied as a credit to your the Permit to Carry Class fee. You will need a min of 50 round of factory ammo. We do not charge an additional fee if you need to use a firearm but you still do need to provide the ammo (9mm). Price includes class and range fee.
Recoil Management (2 Hours –classroom, 2 Hours – Range)
Limited to a small number of students because of the one on one instruction. This class is designed to help eliminate malfunctions due to improper hand grip and stance.